Dudelange (Ginsterberg) - MUX-LUX
DVB-T transmitter in Luxemburg
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Check also other multiplexes from Dudelange (Ginsterberg) transmitter:
MUX-AIR (ch. 21), MUX-FNL (ch. 7), MUX-BEL (ch. 24)
Transmitter address:
Latitude: 49°N 27' 48"
Longitude:06°E 05' 45"

Channel numberFrequencyChannel widthPolarisationERP power
22482 MHz8 MHzHorizontal145 kW
StandardModulationFECGuard IntervalMultiplex bitrate
DVB-T 64QAM2/31/16 ~23.42 Mbps
Multiplex name: RTL-Group LUX

RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg

RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg

Den 2ten RTL

In order to draw your elevation chart, get full information about TX distance and azimuth you need to
select your coordinates on "DVB-T Radar" page.

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Please help us to correct the information - contact us!

DVB-S2X bitrate calculator
DVB-S2 bitrate calculator
DVB-T bitrate calculator